Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Wisdom Principles - Prudence

A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished. Pro 22:3, 27:12

It may seem simple, but prudence is a principle of wisdom. And it is an important principle, as the LORD gives this verse, word for word, in two places in Proverbs!

The wise man looks ahead and considers a situation. He examines it from all angles. He is risk adverse, he doesn't like to take unnecessary risks. He is especially careful to note any tendencies or trends in a course of action that would lead to danger or harm, whether personal, spiritual, financial, or professional.

When a wise man sees danger ahead, he hides himself. He takes out insurance, reduces spending and increases saving, takes a different path, changes jobs, where he lives, who he associates with and what he says publicly. Whatever is reasonable to keep himself, his family and his assets safe, he does.

If the winds of change blow against him, he takes a low profile and does not advertise his convictions. Elijah thought he was the only righteous man in Israel in his day. But the LORD told him that there were 7,000 men who had not bowed the knee to Baal. These were wise men who knew that with a Baal worshiper in power, you did not advertise the fact that you worshiped Jehovah!

Let us learn and practice the principles of wisdom. They will bless our lives and keep us safe!

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